Thursday, December 18, 2008

Case of Grade 2 Anterolisthesis at C2-C3 C4-C5

The patient had severe pain in the neck region since 4 years. He was taking pain killers for temporary relief of pain.

The character of pain was it used to come suddenly and go suddenly. There was lot of stiffness in the neck region in the morning on waking up.

The neck pain was aggravated bySitting
Watching television
In the morning

There is relief in the pain as the day progresses and when he is lying down.
Along with this there is heaviness in the head and a tingling sensation in the forehead. The complaints started after he suffered from an impact injury when their car met with an accident.

They were traveling at a very high speed and they were hit from behind. The patient was sitting in the backseat. The impact was so high that the patient felt that he was dead but all of them were safe except for the impact.

Besides this the patient has lot of phobias; he is scared of flying, he cannot stay in a crowd, in a closed place. Also there is lot of fear of lightning and he is very sensitive to loud noises.

He also gets lot of nightmares they are of accidents; Plane is crashing, horrible animals, and death.

Feels he is getting isolated from people as he has no desire to talk with anyone. He desires to be alone.

In 2004 he says he had a horrible time as one night, he woke up suddenly from his sleep and felt he is going to die. The attack of fear was so strong that he was trembling with fear. After this episode there is lot of fear of death.

He is also very suspicious by nature. Relations with his wife .parents and brother are very cordial there is no tension on this front. He is a business man by profession and is having a very good business.

Personal history
Diet: Vegetarian
Appetite: good
Craving: rice
Aversion: nothing specific

ThermalsSun: sometimes it causes uneasiness
Fan: likes
Air conditioner: at night sometimes
Coverings: takes covers while sleeping
Bath: cold water
Season: winters/summers

Urine: normal
Stools: normal
Perspiration: not much

Past historyChicken pox

Family historyFather: 70 years no major illness
Mother: 62 years: hypertensive.

The patient was prescribed Lachesis in the LM potency. It showed amazing results the patient reported marked improvement within the first week. In less then a month’s time the pain had disappeared.

The remedy was given for around 1 month as and when needed. The treatment lasted for 3 months and the patient has reported recently that there has been no reoccurrence in the pain since the time we stopped the treatment around 8 months back.

The remedy was selected after careful analysis of the case please do not self medicate.
Dr.Santosh Joshi
Classical Homeopath

Following is the patients account about the treatment
My Experience with Dr. Santosh Joshi is like any patient goes to a perfect and highly talented Doctor. As in my case Dr. Santosh Joshi treated me in such significant way.

I have been suffering from the disease called ANTEROLISTHESIS since last 4-5 years.

I was suffering from severe neck and shoulder pain. I tried to treat it with allopathic medication. Unfortunately results were not good enough at all. And then fortunately Before 4 months, I came to know about Dr. Joshi’s website and connected him.

Well my good days started..... From the first dose of Dr. Joshi’s Holy Homeopathic Medicine, I did not have any pain in my neck, shoulder and spine. Less then in a month it felt like it was a miracle to get cured by Homeopathy.

I wish the best to Dr. Santosh Joshi and the Holy Homeopathy.

Mr. M.P

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